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Google Ads VS Facebook Ads

We see ads everywhere. And as consumers or sellers, we know that they are effective, that’s why they carry a lot of value. But how do you decide which advertising platform to choose? You study them and determine which one serves your needs the best.
Google Ads VS Facebook Ads

We see ads everywhere. And as consumers or sellers, we know that they are effective, that’s why they carry a lot of value. But how do you decide which advertising platform to choose? You study them and determine which one serves your needs the best.

Here are some points comparing Google Ads and Facebook Ads to help you make that decision.

Google Ads

Potential Audience Reach

Google handles more than 75,000 search queries every second, averaging out to about 2 trillion searches per year, with the chance to reach new users on every single search. Keeping these numbers in mind, it is important to consider Google Ads if you aim to reach the maximum number of audiences that you can reach.

Wide Range of Ad Formats

The range of Ad formats that Google Ads has is hard to find anywhere else, which gives you a wide range of ways that you can reach your audience with. In addition to ad formats, advertisers have endless options of add-ons such as sitelink extensions, location extensions, price extensions, call extensions, and more to drive qualified traffic for your specific business need.

Advertiser Equality

Although some people think that you need to have a large digital advertising budget to be competitive on Google, that’s not true! Google Ads’ auction operates on a 3-step system:

  • Quality of Ad: Is your ad relevant and useful?
  • Expected Impact of Ad: Use of extensions
  • Keyword Bid: The maximum amount you are willing to pay for a click on your ad

With this combination, you can control the overall quality of your Ad.

Facebook Ads

Audience Targeting

Today, there are over 2.37 billion active users on Facebook, with this number growing every day. Whilst this number is huge on its own, the real USP (unique selling point) of Facebook Ads lies within how precisely Facebook can target this number of people.

Strong ROI with Limited Budgets

Facebook isn’t only known for its outstanding audience reach – it’s also broadly known as one of the most affordable advertising platforms that are available today.

Visual Ads

A large advantage of Facebook Ads over Google Ads is how seamless the ads are integrated onto the audience’s timelines compared to Google’s text ads.

Now that you learned the main differences between Google Ads and Facebook Ads, which one do you think would benefit you the most?

Want more information? Call us at +971 4 580 3378 and we can help you!

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